A habit of weariness

I have a confession to make. I throw adult tantrums. 2 years into being a mom, and I still let the busy-ness get to me. I like things to be calm. I like things to go as expected. I don’t deal very well with chaos.

Last week sometime, I was supposed to wake up early enough so I could get myself ready before waking up my daughter for daycare. Well, I was running late this particular day, and became immediately flustered when I realized things were way off schedule. Izzy and my hubby were still sleeping, I had an appointment in 1 hour (30 minutes away) and I still needed to drop her off at daycare first. To make a long story short, I snapped at my husband and stomped around the house complaining that no one was moving  fast enough for me.

I’ve done this same thing before. Things get really crazy and it is like I’m not sure what to do next. I can’t focus and I don’t communicate. After talking to my hubby, 2 things became very clear to me:

1) When things go wrong it makes no sense at the time to put the blame on someone.

2) It’s much easier to take a deep breath and figure out what I need help with, and then communicate that information to those around me.

The next morning a similar situation came up (of course) and I caught myself! I was just about to become flustered and start complaining.  The words were right on the tip of my tongue. However, the Holy Spirit reminded me that this is something I need to seriously work on and instead I found the words to explain what I needed to be done to help the situation run more smoothly.

Later that day I was reading Hope for the Weary Mom (by Stacey Thacker and Brooke McGlothlin).  I’ve been reading this book for a while, and hadn’t picked it up in months. I read the words below:

“Weariness is a habit of my heart. I get bogged down by the things of life because-let’s face it-life is hard. I don’t want to be imprisoned by my weariness habit anymore.”

Things rarely run smoothly once you have a child. You constantly deal with running late, easily changed moods, hectic schedules. It just comes with the territory. I need to stop allowing the situations that annoy me, that make me weary, that make me angry, dictate my words and attitude and use this phase of my life as an opportunity to learn to communicate with the ones I love better. I embrace this challenge now, as part of my journey in learning lessons from this thing called motherhood.

  • Recent highlights:  Now that we have moved back to the US, she has had met lots of people that are important to us. It is a great feeling.
  • Recent funny moment: We were going to bed and I say to her “Goodnight baby”. She looks me in my eyes and says “Goodnight baby” 🙂
  • Recent crazy parent moment:  Tantrums are becoming quite the norm ‘__’ However, I feel like she is beginning to show that she understands that they are completely unacceptable.
  • Recent milestones: She is combining words to make short phrases. I’m a speech-language pathologist, so this excites me to no end!
  • Bellelesson of the week: Accept the challenge to change your bad habits with happiness and grace.